Isabella Jordan (RTS ’17) Awarded Fulbright Teaching Assistantship

The Fulbright Program is a highly prestigious international program that annually sends students and faculty to 160 countries.

Isabelle Jordan in Vietnam
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The King’s College is pleased to announce that Isabella Jordan (Religious and Theological Studies ’17) has been selected for a Fulbright Teaching Assistantship to Malaysia. The Fulbright Program was founded in 1946 as an ambassadorial program that promotes cultural understanding and goodwill between the United States and other countries. It is a highly prestigious international program that annually sends students and faculty to 160 countries. Applicants undergo review by a campus committee, a national screening committee, and finally, by the host country.

As the first year King’s has put forward applicants for this competitive award, the positive outcome reflects the excellent academic preparation at King’s and the support of the faculty in preparing students for leadership in national and international affairs. Faculty assistantships provide opportunities for King’s students to gain firsthand experience managing classroom tasks, skills that are directly transferable to a Fulbright Teaching Assistantship. King’s-sponsored summer academic studies abroad, such as the programs that have taken students to Indonesia, Israel, and France, introduce students to other cultures and offer a bridge between New York City and global work abroad after graduation. Finally, the unique Politics, Philosophy, and Economics core program at King’s ensures that students from all majors have the intellectual training and foundation in biblical truth to engage diverse ideas in different cultural contexts.

The King’s College would like to thank the numerous professors who served on the college committee that interviewed the applicants, giving their valuable time and expertise to help strengthen the students’ applications. King’s is also appreciative of the professors who supported candidates through thoughtful recommendations. With a foundation of excellent academics and meaningful faculty support, King’s looks forward to preparing future students for the community of the Fulbright Student Program. This new step forward for King’s fits the College’s mission of preparing students of Christian conviction for leadership in strategic institutions.

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