Rosezella Battles Library
Access informational resources for your studies, research, and instruction.
Welcome to the Library
Welcome to the Rosezella Battles Library of The King’s College. It is our mission to provide students and faculty with informational resources that will support their instructional, educational, and research needs. We are equipped with approximately 8,000 printed volumes, a robust periodical collection, and numerous online services and a strong collection of audio/visual material. We have memberships with local and national library organizations and provide interlibrary loan services and access to other institutions.
Director of Library Services
Christina Rogers
(212) 659-3617
The collection has approximately 8,000 volumes divided into two sections: Main Holdings and Reference. All of the volumes are related to our majors and all courses taught and represent a wide variety of subject areas. Students may borrow books in the Main Holdings, and may freely use in the library books in our Reference collection.
Please feel free to browse our print collection. However, circulation and other privileges are only available to current students, faculty and staff.
Electronic Resources
- Academic Search Elite which includes Business Source Elite
- ATLA with ATLAs
- Communication and Mass Media Complete
- Academic ebooks
- Religion and Philosophy Collection
JSTOR – The Scholarly Journal Archives Arts and Sciences 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13
LexisNexis Academic
ProQuest (13 databases of periodicals)
Oxford English Dictionary on-line
Tell Me More / Rosetta Stone – language learning software
Alexander Street Press Academic Videos
Credo Reference – basic encyclopedia resource
*available remotely via portal and on campus via website
ILL - Interlibrary Loan
See the Director of Library services if you would like a book or article that King’s does not own and you cannot find it at the New York Public Library. The director requests loans from other institutions via the World Catalog. Please allow two weeks for books and one week for electronic articles.
Metro is a local library association in which King’s is a member. We use this membership primarily to connect with other academic libraries in the NYC area, and grant limited access to those libraries. If a King’s patron has identified a section of the library at Fordham University, for example, then the King’s Library Director will seek out permission from Fordham, and once granted, will give the student or faculty member a METRO referral card, which will grant the patron limited on-site use of that library.
The library has many newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals on display and available to read in the library. All of these materials are relevant to events of the day as well as scholarship in the subject areas of our current majors.
Other Resources
12 open-use computers
2 business class printers
Copier that can scan and send files through email
Full Microsoft Office 365
Google Drive integration for simple file sharing and transfer
Hours and Policies
Library Hours
Our hours are the same as the main campus hours.
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 10:45 PM
10:00 AM – 9:45 PM
12:00 PM – 7:45 PM
We open one hour earlier during midterms and finals week.
Borrowing and Renewing
You may check out books from the Main Holdings section for 14 days, and audio/visual material for 7 days. You can renew the borrowing time in your library account.
You are charged for overdue books at a rate of 10 cents per day, and audio/visual material at 25 cents per day. Fines not paid upon graduation will result in a hold being placed on your account and you will not receive your official transcript or diploma.
Quiet Space
All electronic resources are available remotely via the student portal. You may search for and renew print or media items in the online catalog which is also available via the portal or by going to the Rosezella Battles Library Page. To access your library account in the library catalog, use the four digits as your username and password to log in the first time. You may then change your password.
More Help
Can’t find your resource in our library? Send an email to for assistance with Inter-Library Loan or to request permission to use another college’s library within New York City.
When in doubt take a trip to the library and ask any attendant at the desk or the Director of Library Services and we will be happy to assist you!
About Rosezella Battles
The library is named in honor of Rosezella Battles, who was a caregiver and spiritual mentor to the Templeton family.
Through its commitment to the truths of Christianity and a biblical worldview, The King’s College seeks to transform society by preparing students for careers in which they help to shape and eventually lead strategic public and private institutions, and by supporting faculty members as they directly engage culture through writing and speaking publicly on critical issues.
112 W. 34th Street, 18th Floor • New York, NY 10120
M-F 8:00AM–10:00PM
SAT: 12:00PM–10:00PM
M-F 8:00AM–10:00PM
SAT: 12:00PM–10:00PM
112 W. 34th Street, 18th Floor • New York, NY 10120