Office of the Registrar
College Catalog
We keep an archive of past college catalogs so that alumni can access the course listings from the years they attended King’s. Use the list below to select a college catalog.
Will My Credits Transfer?
Reading our transfer policy can help you anticipate if credits from other institutions will transfer to King’s.
If you are currently enrolled at another institution and are thinking of transferring to King’s, the best way to get started is to submit an application and begin talking to your admissions counselor.
If you took a leave of absence from King’s and are seeking to finish your degree here, read our process for readmission.
New Graduates and Alumni
We partner with the National Student Clearinghouse to provide transcripts and degree verifications. To request a transcript, start typing either “The King’s College,” “The King’s College at Briarcliff Manor,” or “Northeastern Bible College” and the form will fill in the rest for you.
Order a TranscriptYou receive a diploma at graduation, but if need be, we can provide a replacement.
Order DiplomaFERPA
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records. This law applies to all schools receiving funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. Ownership of educational records transfer from the parents to the student upon enrollment in a post-secondary institution or when the student reaches the age of 18.
Records are divided into two categories: directory (open records) and non-directory (private, non-disclosable without permission). For information regarding the types of information The King’s College has designated as directory information, and to request records, please contact us.