Labor Day: 3 Ways To Make the Most of It

Your first holiday at King's brings the opportunity to make the most of it. We offer three ideas to help you do so.

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Your first holiday at King’s brings the opportunity to make the most of it. We offer three ideas to help you do so.

Classes are not meeting today in observance of Labor Day, and Fall Retreat will commence Thursday. That means you have an exceptionally short week of classes. Maybe today’s holiday is a welcome break in the midst of your transition to King’s, or maybe you’re planning to use this day to continue getting settled in. Either way, planning the day can help you make the most of it, and we have three ideas.

1) Work ahead. Today is a good day to not only think about the reading and coursework deadlines you have for this week, but also the deadlines coming up at the beginning of next week. Consider reading or working ahead if you have margin to do so; working ahead could help you feel a bit freer to enjoy Fall Retreat.

2) Enjoy. It’s a holiday, so use at least an hour in the day to do something you enjoy. Use the time to take a walk in the City or cook a meal. Invite friends over for brunch or a game night.

3) Sleep. Fall Retreat is known to be an important time for developing a sense of community at King’s, and that can often involve staying up late with Housemates and friends. That’s great. A sense of community is important to making the most of college. At the same time, sleep is also important to maintaining a strong immune system and being ready for the next week ahead. Consider today how you will get quality sleep this week to prepare for potentially later nights this weekend.

You likely already had some ideas about how you’d like to use this Labor Day, but we hope you consider these three ideas as you make the most of your day.

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